Iranian Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance Asia Quarter Fazli: "Goal is to be No. 1 in V-League scoring"

Iranian Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance Asia Quarter Fazli: "Goal is to be No. 1 in V-League scoring"

Blog Article

Pasley (center) and Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance colleagues training in Japan

Ali Fazli (31), an Asian quota player from Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance from Iran, is challenging for the scoring title in the men's division of the 2024-2025 V-League of the Korean Professional Volleyball League.

"I've already been the top scorer in the Finnish League," said Pazli, who met with the joint reporting team in Shizuoka, Japan on the 11th while Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance was training. "I want to be the top scorer in the V-League as well."

The V League introduced the Asian quota for the 2023-2024 season.

In the women's division, Megawatti Pertiwi (Director, registered name Mega) rose to 7th place in scoring and emerged as the 'Asia Quota Star'.

In the men's division, Bayar Saikhan Batsu (then OK Financial Group, registered name Bayar Saikhan) ranked 20th, the highest scoring player among Asian quota players. There were no Asian quota players in the men's division that attracted attention.

As an opposite spiker with a high attacking role, Fazli is expected to be given the opportunity to challenge for the top scorer.

Pasley, who set foot on Korean soil in July, is slowly building up his sense of real-life situations after working hard to build up his body at the Samsung Training Center (STC) in Yongin, Gyeonggi Province.

The training intensity increased during the Japanese training camp.

"The training intensity is quite intense. It was hard to adapt at first, but I got used to it as my body followed along," said Pazley. "My chemistry with my teammates has also improved a lot."

Standing at 2m tall, Pazli boasts a high-point attack and serves of various courses.

Parzley turned pro in 2018.

He worked in Iran for four years and in Finland for three years.

In Finland in particular, he was the top scorer for different teams in 토토 the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 seasons. He ranked third in the 2023-2024 season.

He wants to repeat his performance in Finland in the V-League.

"I want to score the most goals," said Pazli. "My goal is to be a player who gives people the expectation that today is good but tomorrow will be even better."

The passionate support of V-League fans can also be a source of strength for Pazli.

"The Finnish league is rather static. The V-League crowd has a lot of energy," said Pazli. "It will be a huge boost for the players, including me."


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